..............The Entrepreneurial Journey
Our Belief
All great journeys begin with an idea. That idea can come to us from any number of a multitude of sources or experiences. For the entrepreneur, the first step to putting that idea into action is to EVALUATE THE OPPORTUNITY. And from there, the entrepreneur must equip and prepare for the journey through constructing a solid business plan. One would never travel into the Arctic region without preparation, and one should be prepared for the entrepreneurial journey with a well-thought out and competent business plan.
In the fast paced world where individuals and companies alike often cut corners, we believe there is no short cut to success. That may sell books, but in the real world short cuts often lead to a lack of quality and to costly mistakes. Astute preparation through writing a business plan will not lead the entrepreneur to avoid mistakes, or challenges. However, it will prepare the Entrepreneur to better navigate those obstacles and move forward with success.
Not all believe in a business plan....but we do! Creating one the right way takes time, research, thought, and development. A well-written business plan is a living breathing document that evolves from the beginning of your company throughout the life of it. There is no such thing as a one page business plan, a two page business plan, or even a three page business. No it is not “lean.” At best these are overviews. They are essentially the junk food of business plans. They provide no sustainable nutrients to your business, and they will not lead your business anywhere other than having an upset stomach, high cholesterol, high glucose, and high blood pressure. The next time someone tries to sell you on a one page or two page business plan ask them how you fit your market research into one page. Ask them how you fit your competent management team into one page, or your financials into one page. It can not be done. Then ask them the longevity success rate of these businesses that used a one or two page business plan. They can probably show you the revenues THEY made selling their books and get rich quick seminars. But entrepreneurship is like every other endeavor in life…anything worth having takes time and work. Don’t get caught buying fool’s gold!