Bridging The Gap With Entrepreneurial Strategy
Strategic Business Development For Startups and Established Companies
Very simply, we help you build and improve your company with entrepreneurial thinking and strategy. Entrepreneurial strategy is often about providing new insightful puzzle pieces and connecting them in a manner that bridges gaps with your current business to the success you are striving toward. With select companies, we will become working equity partners in the building of your company. With other companies, we may act in a more advisory capacity similar to how most people utilize business consulting firms but with far more depth. The challenge with many business consultants is that they have spent most of their career, if not all of it, merely consulting. Most have never started a business, owned a business, or been responsible for the day to day development and growth...the risks, the rewards. We have, which means we can empathize greatly with the process, and we will approach it far beneath the surface with more connected constructive criticism and encouragement.
We are also willing to write on your behalf. Writing competently, passionately, and with purpose is something most simply struggle with. Opening doors at the level we have does not happen without knowing how to write with purpose and passion.
Our Mission
Our mission is to empower you to build the company you want, or better yet the one you deserve. Thinking entrepreneurially creates new opportunities for success and growth. Our commitment is to treat you and your company with the respect, professionalism, and courtesy so often void in the world of business today. We understand the human condition and that behind every business are individuals with hopes, dreams, and goals. Every company has a story, and we want to be a part of yours!
Do you have an idea that you believe is great and could be turned into a successful business? Have you worked through the opportunity to evaluate whether it is worth your investment of time and money to move forward? We can help you work through a number of short evaluations that allow you to research the industry and market for your business before you begin the journey. Too many entrepreneurs fail to properly plan for their venture at all stages. Your idea may in fact be as great as you believe it to be, but it only takes a little research to move forward confidently. We can help you think through your idea, as well as expand your idea so that when you move forward you are more equipped for success!
There are many aspects to any startup or established company. They all interact and are woven together. If you have just formed your startup, we can help you create a thorough and competent business plan so that you begin your business with a sound business and legal foundation. We will help you work through strategy in every area of the BUSINESS PLAN. If you already have a business plan, we can evaluate it, and we can help you improve it as all business plans are constantly growing and evolving toward success.
If you are a more established startup, we will strategize areas of your business that you feel need attention, and we will provide fresh objective insight on steps you can make to expand your success.
We can also partner with you and design and develop strategic business opportunities for your company with potential partners, the partners you want but also need. There are literally hundreds of thousands of startups that are founded every year. Many startups have great products or services, but they never succeed because they lacked the needed strategy and approach. We want to support leading your company to success. There are no doors we can not open, and we are prepared to prove it to you!
Corporations, like startups are either growing or fading away. One can look to any number of formerly billion dollar corporations that are closing due to failed business. These were multi-national corporations that not too long ago were thought of as "too big to ever fail." But the world of business has changed drastically in the last decade. The reason for failure varies from poor quality control, poor customer service, to stagnant financial evolution, and myopic management. But at the core of corporate failure is the lack of entrepreneurial strategy, the ability to continue to build and innovate. There is no corporation too big that we can not assist. And what we promise CEO's is a direct approach to constructive criticism that many CEO's can not achieve due to "yes man" syndrome of lower level employees who are more focused on protecting their jobs than doing what is necessary. The great CEO's of the world listen, and we can create effective strategy worth listening to.
“Encouragement is a vital part of entrepreneurship. We understand the absolute necessity of positive thinking, constructive criticism, and encouragement in every step of the process. ”
What we have accomplished...
Successfully created strategy for businesses that has provided sound competent business acumen leading to new opportunities.
Established relationships for companies with Forbes 400 level CEO's, opening the door for potential partnerships with established brands and revenue channels.
Evaluated entrepreneurial law elements for startups, guiding them to more protection and sound structure.
Advised CEO's of businesses with yearly revenue ranging from $50K to $300M.
Provided new and dynamic perspectives to startups and established companies alike, leading to a more competent business strategy.
Advised on and developed business plans leading to a more solid business foundation.
Advised CEO's and supported investor meetings.